Three Reasons To Store Your RV This Winter

Top Reasons To Winterize Your RV at a Storage Center

If you own an RV, you’ll unlikely be going on many winter trips. However, if you’ve been considering sending your RV to a storage center this winter, these reasons might tip the balance.

Prevent Damage From Winter Weather

Prolonged exposure to winter elements such as snow, ice, sleet, and bitterly cold temperatures can cause cosmetic damage to your RV. Small cracks can develop and worsen in the harsh winter weather. Winter also accelerates the process of rusting, especially if there’s an unnoticed leak from the snow and ice accumulation.

Keep Pests Out

Storing your RV, especially in a climate-controlled facility, can prevent pest invasions. Skiffs of RV owners have opened their RVs after the winter only to find pests and rodents have used them as a refuge from the cold, causing extensive damage to the interior. This results in time-consuming maintenance and repairs before you can hit the road again.

Prevent Theft

Proper storage can offer protection against vandalism or theft. Storing in a secure facility with surveillance systems allows for better monitoring and control in case of damage or theft. It always pays to be secure compared to leaving your RV out in the open through the winter.

If you’re looking for RV insurance in Spring Grove, IL, or surrounding communities, contact us at Spring Grove Insurance. We’d be happy to assist with a quote.

Secure Your RV While Vacationing

Your RV is susceptible to damage during your vacation. Use some strategies to secure your recreational vehicle. Once finished, contact an agent who represents Spring Grove Insurance to acquire your insurance coverage.

Risk Factors

Driving or towing an RV that hasn’t been adequately secured could damage your vehicle. You could also be liable for damage to another person’s vehicle or property. An RV that isn’t secure could be stolen or vandalized. It is important to prepare a security plan that will protect your vehicle.

Proper Maintenance

Maintain your RV throughout the year. Your maintenance efforts should include having your RV inspected and repaired. Maintenance should also involve cleaning your RV when it is not being actively used. If you tow your RV, inspect the trailer hitch and other accessories needed to transport your RV safely.

Adequate Parking

During each vacation, when you use your RV in Spring Grove, IL, plan how you will park your vehicle. If you park it in a public campground, you will be supplied with a safe and secure parking spot. If you choose to park your vehicle in a remote region, ensure adequate lighting.

Always park your RV on a flat, sturdy surface. Invest in a new locking system, lights, and surveillance equipment. The items you purchase will prevent your RV from being damaged while you vacation.

Contact our Team!

Your RV provides you with a safe and comfortable way to travel. Contact a Spring Grove Insurance agent to discuss the steps you have taken to secure your RV. An agent representing Spring Grove, IL, will guide you in choosing an RV insurance product that provides sufficient coverage.

RV Insurance for Renting Out Your RV

Owning an RV is a great way to travel and enjoy nature while enjoying home comforts. However, you probably don’t use it year-round, or your family might have outgrown your RV in recent years. Many people turn to renting their RVs, and if you’re considering doing so, you must make sure you have the right type of insurance. 

Avoid Basic Insurance Plans

By law, all motorized vehicles need state minimum insurance coverage. Therefore, your RV should always be insured. However, if you go for the most basic plan, you won’t be covered when other people rent your RV.

Reasons You Need Additional Coverage

Whether you’re paying a lender or your RV is completely paid off, you must protect your investment. Even the most responsible renter can accidentally cause damage you’ll have to cover. Your renter could get hurt inside the RV or hit another vehicle, which you’d be responsible for without the right insurance plan. 

Essential Coverage Options

While you might have gotten away with just liability insurance for the vehicle when you were the one using it, now you have to think about other people. Property damage liability insurance will cover you if the renter damages another vehicle, and bodily injury liability insurance will cover emergency medical care for injuries sustained by others. You should also consider collision insurance to cover your RV if a renter collides with another vehicle and comprehensive insurance to protect you in non-collision-related incidents like fires or storms.  

Looking for Insurance in Spring Grove, IL?

You don’t have to navigate the world of RV insurance alone. At Spring Grove Insurance our agents know everything you need to know to pick a plan that meets your unique needs. 

Contact Spring Grove Insurance in Spring Grove, IL to learn about RV insurance for renters, and we will be happy to help. 

Full-Timer RV Insurance Explained

Perhaps you have traveled the country in your RV and found Spring Grove IL the perfect place to settle down. Or maybe you’ve parked your RV in your driveway for years and now that you retired, you want to travel the country with your RV as your full-time home.

Let Spring Grove Insurance help you update your RV policy, so you obtain the correct coverage because you’ll need a different policy to cover your RV. You will need a full-timer policy, which covers your RV like a home instead of like an automobile.

Full-Timer RV Insurance: What You Need To Know

Your typical RV policy offers coverage like that of an auto policy – liability, personal property damage, bodily injury and death, comprehensive, and collision insurance. That’s because you drive it on the road and that increases your chances of an accident.

When you decide to live in your RV full time, you need to amend your policy. You’ll typically tie down the RV much like you would a mobile home. It will receive a permanent electrical line and water line, even if you need to use a holding tank for the water. You’ll no longer move it from one location to another.

For that last reason, you’ll drop your bodily injury and death coverage and collision coverage but increase your comprehensive coverage and liability coverage. You increase the latter two policy types because you will have other individuals in your RV as your home more often, which increases your liability. Increasing your comprehensive coverage means you’ll obtain higher coverage limits for named perils such as fire or tornado.

Get RV Insurance Today

Contact Spring Grove Insurance serving the greater Spring Grove, IL community for more information on full-timer RV coverage. Let us help you update your policy to protect your financial investment.

Never Leave Home Without RV Insurance

A recreational vehicle is a prized asset with unlimited fun, especially when touring a country. Undertaking a trip around the countryside in the comfort of a home is a glorious experience for many residents. With your motorhome or campervan, it’s not a must to book a flight or accommodation. You just wake up and plan for your voyage any time you wish!

Irrespective of the breathtaking experience of recreational vehicles in Spring Grove, IL, it’s worthwhile not to forget RV insurance any time you hit the road. Please contact our experienced agents from Spring Grove Insurance and get personalized RV insurance that matches your lifestyle and budget. Here are the reasons why you should never ignore RV insurance.

Liability protection

Irrespective of how vigilant you are while cruising, mishaps may arise, culminating in insurmountable losses. Imagine what transpires when you cause bodily injuries and property damage in an accident with your RV. It would cost a lot, especially when sued. Luckily if you have liability coverage, these unexpected expenses are sorted out.

Protection of assets

RV ownership is exciting, but it comes with inherent risks. Purchasing an RV is a massive investment. Unfortunately, unforeseen situations like accidents, hail, or fire can throw your precious asset in disarray. Without RV insurance, perils can cost you fortunes to repair or restore your RV from the pocket.

Instills peace of mind

The road is full of all sorts of drivers, ranging from drunkards, teenagers, uninsured, and speeding drivers. But since you can’t control the actions of other drivers, you need RV insurance to take care of your worries whenever you hit the road.

RV insurance is a pivotal investment that ensures your RV is solidly safeguarded wherever the fun takes you. Need coverage? Please call or visit our agents at Spring Grove Insurance for a customized, affordable RV insurance plan.

What Your RV Insurance Covers

Owning an RV is often a significant investment and is one that you need to protect by finding a high-quality insurance policy that helps you. Thankfully, we at Spring Grove Insurance, serving Spring Grove, IL, can provide you with the information that you need about this situation.

Your Standard Policy Coverage 

If you buy RV insurance for your vehicle, you have quite a few different options things that will be covered. This diverse array of options helps ensure that you don’t run into any issues and keeps your RV as strong as possible. Just a few choices here include:

  • Traveler trailer insurance for when you are hauling your RV 
  • Emergency roadside help when you break down on the road 
  • Liability to protect you from accidents caused by your RV 
  • Storage damage may occur in many ways. 
  • Collision damage that helps to minimize repair costs 
  • RV replacement if it is totaled or stolen 
  • Emergency expenses for your RV and people inside 

If you live in your RV as your primary home, you also need to consider full-timer insurance. This option is like a mix between auto and home insurance and helps to cover things like personal liability, medical payment, and loss coverage for any items you may lose at your home. But, again, pay attention to your options here and work with a team you can trust to get the best overall results for your needs. 

Let Us Help You 

At Spring Grove Insurance, we serve the Spring Grove, IL, area and can provide high-quality insurance policies that make sense for your needs. We’re also ready to work directly with you to minimize your risk of loss or other types of complications. So please reach out to us today to learn more. 

Is RV insurance a good idea in Illinois?

Those in the Spring Grove, IL area that dreams of exploring all that the state and country have to offer should think about investing in an RV. When you decide to invest in an RV, getting the proper coverage is important. A great way to cover this asset is with RV insurance. 

RV Insurance Will Protect Asset

A reason that you should always get an RV insurance plan is that it can protect your asset. There is always going to be a high cost and investment when you do purchase an RV. If you want to ensure that this investment is protected, you should carry a full RV insurance plan at all times. When you have this coverage, you will know that you can repair or replace it following a bad accident or if it is stolen.

RV Insurance Keeps You in Compliance

You will also want to get an RV insurance plan because it will keep you in proper compliance. Anyone that would like to own an RV and drive it will have different insurance obligations. Those that have used a loan to buy the RV or want to drive it on a public roadway will be required to have some level of coverage. With a full RV insurance plan, you will know that you are in good standing with these requirements. 

If you would like to get RV insurance in the Spring Grove, IL area, you should call Spring Grove Insurance. When you work with Spring Grove Insurance, our team can help you assess your different needs and options. Based on this assessment, it will be easier to choose a policy that provides the proper protection for your RV.